Engage in Citizen Science
- Become an Invasive Watch volunteer and help us keep an eye out for any signs of invasive species in Lake Sunapee.
- Collect water samples for our Water Quality Monitoring Program.
- Monitor and identify cyanobacteria as part of our Cyanoscope Project.
- Contribute your observations to our Ice Cover data set.
- Report your observations of Lake Sunapee Loons to share with our partners at the Loon Preservation Committee.
- Prevent invasive species introduction by volunteering as a Lake Host.
Serve on a Committee
- Education: Help plan and deliver education programs.
- Watershed: Become an active part of efforts throughout the watershed to reduce erosion and manage stormwater runoff. Members of this committee also help with public outreach and education.
- Landscaping: Volunteer to help maintain our rain gardens and pollinator gardens.
- Lighthouses: Assist in the maintenance of Lake Sunapee’s three lighthouses
Volunteer your Expertise:
· Do you have special skills to offer? Let us know how you would like to help. [for now provide the general email address, but eventually we want to add a link to a survey that people can fill out]